Protect Your favourite bike: 5 Tips for Securing Your Ride

When you wish to return with only fond memories of a trip, you will have to take care of a few things before setting out. These include taking care of the bike, measures to keep your health on track and ensuring that your finances are in place. Out of these, we will discuss how you can take care of your bike when going on an adventurous ride. Take a look.
1. Start Preparing Your Bike Much Before Your Journey Begins:
If you own a simple bike and wish to go on an adventure for exploring unknown regions, you will have to make certain changes to the two wheeler. The very first thing is getting basic servicing done. Get a routine checkup done like oil changes, filter changes, various adjustments and so on. Any changes to the bike should be tested before the d-day. So be sure to begin preparing much in advance.
An adventurous journey includes unknown roads, rocky areas or even sandy or wet paths. One of the most important parts of your motorbike that helps you to stay on the wheels are its tires. Thus, consider the current condition of the tires and decide if they are fit to take you through with the trip. Always seek professional advice when in doubt.
2. Protect Your Bike Against Impact:
Apart from wearing safety gear yourself, consider investing in various crash protection devices like crash bungs, crash frame, leg guards, exhaust protector, etc. This will ensure minimum damage in case of an accident and help protect your bike from a major impact. Avoid smaller bumps or scratches by applying a coat of Teflon a few days before you set out on your trip.
Crash protectors will be the first line of defense against any damaging impact on the bike. This protection becomes even more important as you will be riding in unknown regions, exploring unknown paths and might be unaware of what lies ahead on the road.
Also, read: Third-Party Bike Insurance
3. Add Charging Docks That Will Connect To The Bike’s Battery:
This is an era of staying connected via smart devices. Thus, make sure that your electronic gadget does not run out of juice, by installing charging docks in your bike. It will eliminate the chances of you getting stranded in a remote place without assistance or connectivity. Also, make sure that you share your current location to a trusted person from time to time.
Additionally, carry a physical map of the area you are visiting. It will be helpful if you face a situation where your bike’s battery is not working and your device does not have network reception.
4. Update/Get A Basic Tool Kit:
You might own a motorbike tool kit if you are an enthusiast and have basic knowledge about repairing minor damages. Make sure that you either buy a new kit or upgrade your motorbike’s tool kit before setting out on an adventurous journey. While on the trip, your bike may require attention and having tools handy will avoid the hassle of getting in touch with a professional mechanic for minor things.
Bike’s basic tool kit consists of the following items:
- Multipurpose Fold-up Allen wrench
- Screwdriver
- Multipurpose pocket knife
- Pliers
- Adjustable wrench
- Basic tire repair kit
5. Review Your Bike Insurance Policy:
Two wheeler insurance is probably the most important thing as far as any bike ride is concerned, be it an adventurous one or a simple daily commute. Some bikers avoid buying a two wheeler insurance policy, however doing so is against the law. It is necessary that you at least buy third party two wheeler insurance. Remember that the third party two wheeler insurance policy is the most basic type of coverage available. Thus, it will not protect you financially from any damages that are caused to your bike.
To get superior financial security, always choose a comprehensive bike insurance cover. It will not only cover third-party liabilities but also damages to your bike. Reviewing your current bike insurance policy before starting on a trip will be beneficial for multiple reasons. You can buy a new policy if your current one has expired, you can make changes in your details if there is a mismatch. You can also renew the coverage beforehand if your two wheeler insurance policy is getting expired in the duration of the trip.
Advantages of Buying Bike Insurance Online:
Ease Of Comparing Policies: Buying bike insurance online allows you the option to compare various plans available across different insurance companies. This allows you to buy the most suitable policy at a cheaper rate as compared to buying a policy from an insurance agent or other offline means.
Discounted Prices: Reduced operational and processing costs are some of the factors that contribute to the lower prices of online bike insurance policies. A digital insurer has to spend less on issuing a policy online as compared to offline insurers. This process is also quick and you may receive your bike insurance policy instantly if there has been no gap between your previous and current policies.
Convenience: The Internet provides convenient purchases of products and buying bike insurance is no exception. You can buy or renew your policy from the comfort of your home and at any time of the day. You don’t have to separately file an application for buying your selected plan or wait for the insurer to send a hard copy of the policy document.
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