La estación

Enriquece tu estancia.

Ubicado detrás de una reserva de manglares y en 100 acres de costa maya, nuestro aislado resort cuenta con 12 experiencias gastronómicas, incluidos 5 restaurantes de especialidades, un centro de convenciones interior y exterior de 68,000 pies cuadrados, un gimnasio y ofertas de spa.

Cenas de destino

Curated culinary experiences.

La Pirogue is the perfect place to sample the best in traditional Mauritian dishes, like fresh seafood and hearty curries, and make sure not to miss the Van Der Stel Wine Bar, serving over 60 different wines on tap.

Cenas de destino

Experiencias culinarias seleccionadas.

La Pirogue es el lugar perfecto para probar lo mejor de los platos tradicionales de Mauricio, como mariscos frescos y abundantes curry, y asegúrese de no perderse el Van Der Stel Wine Bar, que sirve más de 60 vinos diferentes de barril.

Spa y Bienestar

Siente la relajación.

Desconéctese de su rutina en un entorno natural sereno: The Lagoon Spa está aislado en su propia laguna y ofrece un lugar inspirador para recargar energías y reconectarse. Deje que los tratamientos exclusivos de nuestros terapeutas expertos allanen el camino en su viaje hacia el bienestar.

Habitaciones y suites

250 K
500 K

Ofertas especiales

Escapadas Exclusivas
desde $899

Si no es tu primera vez en NouHotel, podrás disfrutar de un 15% de descuento en tu estancia.

A los invitados les encanta...

El 99% de los huéspedes lo recomiendan.

Recorrido en vídeo

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You can pay online using Visa, MarterCard, JCB, American Express and Diners Club cards. Prepaid bookings are charged in advance at the time of confirmation. Flexible rate bookings also require credit card for payment guarantee, but are charged at the time of check out. ...

You can pay online using Visa, MarterCard, JCB, American Express and Diners Club cards. Prepaid bookings are charged in advance at the time of confirmation. Flexible rate bookings also require credit card for payment guarantee, but are charged at the time of check out. ...

You can pay online using Visa, MarterCard, JCB, American Express and Diners Club cards. Prepaid bookings are charged in advance at the time of confirmation. Flexible rate bookings also require credit card for payment guarantee, but are charged at the time of check out. ...

You can pay online using Visa, MarterCard, JCB, American Express and Diners Club cards. Prepaid bookings are charged in advance at the time of confirmation. Flexible rate bookings also require credit card for payment guarantee, but are charged at the time of check out. ...


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